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Im Folgenden finden Sie eine zusammenfassende Studie zu verschiedenen Themengebieten von Rheuma bis Sport in deutscher Sprache:
W. Papenfuß: „Zum gegenwärtigen Stand der Erforschung und Nutzung von Ganzkörperkälteanwendungen“,
Forschungsergebnisse:Eine selektive Literaturstudie zu verschiedenen Einsatzgebieten der Kryosauna,
Diverse Studien zu verschiedensten Erkrankungen wurden weltweit durchgeführt. Dennoch sind noch viele Bereiche unerforscht. Hier einige Studienergebnisse im Bereich der Medizin:
Leistungsfähigkeit und mögliche Trainingsintensität (getestet an polnischer Kayak- Nationalmannschaft); Studie zur Leistungssteigerung von Sportlern
Celestyna Mila-Kierzenkowska: „The Effect of Submaximal Exercise Preceded by Single Whole- Body Cryotherapy on the Markers of Oxidative Stress and Inflammation in Blood of Volleyball Players“,
Forschungsergebnisse: Antientzündlicher Effekt; Studie zum Sporttraining, Entzündung
Irradiation with infrared-A light supports fat burning in obese persons
"Scientists Frank Möckel, Gerd Hoffmann, Roy Obermüller, Wolfgang Drobnik and Gerd Schmitz investigated whether specific irradiation with infrared light has fat-reducing effects. They concluded based on the results that the radiation in combination with moderate exercise bike activity has weight-reducing effects."
The infrared therapy (excerpt from the study of the Berlin Charité clinic)
"Infrared irradiation strongly promotes weight loss. Exposure to infrared light can tremendously reduce body fat. The rays, without heating it, penetrate the top layer of skin and hit blood vessels in the underlying fatty tissue. These warm up and dilate, the result: better blood circulation in the fatty tissue and easier removal of the fatty acids.
The increased blood flow increases calorie consumption. The Academy's test series showed a possible weight loss of between six and ten kilograms within four weeks in about 50% of the people. Two to four treatments a week were necessary for this. These results, surprising even to the scientists, prompted a further Study at the Berlin Charité Clinic."
Source: Book Martin Heckel
Source: Book Dr. med. Krause and Dr. med. Stange
Infrared report_Dr. Flickstein
Heat & light, infrared A deep heat, burn fat, hypothermia and cancer.
Source: Natürlich gesund – Verband für Ganzheitliche Gesundheitsberatung e. V.
Can fever cure cancer?
Fever is a natural and extremely effective defense mechanism of our body, which is triggered by certain stimuli. Fever activates the body's own healing processes of the immune system, which are able to fight off a variety of pathogens.
Artificially induced fever has great potential in the treatment of many diseases. Among them also cancer.
Various scientific studies have confirmed the effectiveness of artificial fever or externally applied heat (hyperthermia) in the treatment of various ailments, including cancer.
Artificially induced fever against cancer
The artificially induced fever causes the surface of the hidden cancer cells to change in such a way that they can again be recognized and destroyed by our body's own defense system. It seems that fever therapy can even help cancer cells turn back into healthy cells.
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